Friday, March 19, 2010

IOL: More Articles and a Video


More coverage of the crisis at IOL:

Islamonline Employees Protest Move to Qatar

Islam Online dilemma getting ugly as board takes over website

According to the second article:
According to the some 350 workers continuing to demand their rights as legal employees be heard, the new board is removing the archives from the website and has changed passwords so the Cairo-based staff is unable to access the site.

Earlier in the day, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi – the prominent Gulf-based Islamic leader who started Islam Online – attempted to freeze the actions of at least two new board members, but the board has refused to abide by the decision and is apparently moving forward on their plans to dismantle the Cairo office and move the company completely to Qatar.
Also see this video produced by Al-Jazeera English:

"Editorial Interference" prompts IslamOnline Strike

More on the crisis at IOL
