Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Job Opening: Communications Coordinator at MPAC


The Muslim Public Affairs Council is seeking a full-time Communications Coordinator to work in its Los Angeles office.

Responsibilities include:
  • Cultivating relationships with media professionals with the goal of serving as a resource to and pitching stories
  • Writing, editing and distributing press releases, letters to the editor and opinion editorials related to current affairs and MPAC activities
  • Producing compelling, persuasive, relevant content for website, newsletters, the annual report, and other print communications that will support fundraising and campaign goals
In addition:
Candidates should have excellent writing, editing and verbal communication skills, the necessary background in media relations, and have a creative approach to sharing information about MPAC's work to its members. Media relations experience, including ability to convey specific and various messages to print, electronic, and new media markets is a must. 
Continue reading about this job here.
