Sunday, October 23, 2011

Post-9/11 British and American Literature: Ten Years Later


Kristine Miller, an English professor at Utah State University, is compiling a series of essays centered on the theme of "post-9/11 British and American literature" for publication in a book.

Potential topics include:
  • The work of a particular British or American writer 
  • Comparative studies around a particular post-9/11 theme
  • Representations of other conflicts (WWII, for example)
  • Literature by or about British or American Muslims
  • Representations of the media
  • Women responding to 9/11
  • Representations of public rhetoric and/or private trauma
  • The 9/11 Commission Report as literary text
  • Graphic novels or comics after 9/11
  • Literary commemoration and memorialization 

If interested in submitting an essay, continue reading here.

Deadline for proposals: December 1, 2011
Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2012
