Imran ibn Hussein reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say, “Nothing between the creation of Adam until the establishment of the Hour is greater than the affair of the False Messiah (Dajjal).” [ Sahih Muslim 2946]
1. Introduction............................................................................ 3
2. Signs Before the Dajjāl Will Appear................................................. 9
3. Where the Dajjāl Will Appear .......................................................13
4. The Dajjāl’s Physical Features.......................................................15
5. The Dajjāl Will Have No Children .................................................. 26
6. The Dajjāl’s Travels Throughout the Earth ........................................27
7. The Length of the Dajjāl’s Stay on Earth .......................................... 28
8. Has Anyone Seen the Dajjāl? .........................................................30
9. The Dajjāl’s Tribulations ..............................................................38
10. The Dajjāl’s False Claim of Lordship ...............................................46
11. The Dajjāl’s Followers................................................................53
12. Protection from t he Dajjāl’s Tribulations .........................................56
13. The Staunchest Muslims in Opposition to the Dajjāl .............................65
14. The Greatest Martyr is Murdered by the Dajjāl ...................................67
15. Safety from the Dajjāl’s Tribulations Necessitates Paradise .....................71
16. The Death of the Dajjāl .............................................................. 72
17. Other Tribulations Close in Severity to the Dajjāl ................................74
18. Why is the Dajjāl Not Explicitly Mentioned in the Quran? ........................77
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