Sunday, July 1, 2018





  • Introduction and purpose of this compilation

  • Section 1: 25 + traits of the khawarij

  • Section 2: The Discussion from salaf that the mere alliance or aiding of a Muslim with the Kuffar against another Muslim does not in and of itself make him a kafir or tantamount their actions to kufr al-Akbar

  • Chapter 2.1: Tafseer and the cause of revelation of surah Nisa verse 92

  • Objection #1: Sahl ibn Baydah was coerced and thus takfeer was excused

  • Objection #2: Sahl ibn Baydah fought against the Messenger of Allah thereby agreeing to killing him and this is known to be Kufr bil-Ijma`

  • Summary of Chapter 2.1

  • Chapter 2.2: The Madhab of Imam shaf`ee and shawafi Ulema regarding an individual or a group of Muslims allying with the Kuffar against another Muslim(s)

  • Summary of chapter 2.2

  • Chapter 2.3: The Madhab of Imam Malik and the Malikiyyah regarding an individual or a group of Muslims allying with the Kuffar against another Muslim(s)

  • Summary of chapter 2.3

  • Chapter 2.4: The Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa and the Ahnaaf regarding an individual or a group of Muslims allying with the Kuffar against another Muslim(s)

  • Summary of Chapter 2.4

  • Chapter 2.5: The Madhab of Imam Ahmad and the Hanabila regarding an individual or a group of Muslims allying with the Kuffar against another Muslim(s)

  • Summary of Chapter 2.5

  • Chapter 2.6: A similar ruling from the Incident of Banu `Uqayl captive and Hudayfa and his father radhiallahu `anhum ajma`een

  • Chapter 2.7: Madhab of some other scholars of Sunnah regarding an individual or a group of Muslims allying with the Kuffar against another Muslim(s)

  • Summary and Conclusion of Section 2

  • Section 3: Understanding of the Salaf on a Muslim’s Alliance to the Kuffar by spying or providing resources and support.

  • Summary and Conclusion of Section 3

  • Section 4: The Madhab of Najdi Ulema regarding the types of Alliances with the Kuffar

  • Section 5: Briefly refuting some Khariji notions

  • Chapter 5.1: The Kharji notion that Muslims can never exhibit friendliness towards war-mongering Kuffar and if they do then it is Kufr al Akbar based on the apparent action of friendliness.

  • Chapter 5.2: The Kharji notion that doing business with Harbi Kuffar is Kufr al-Akbar at all times
  • Chapter 5.3: The Kharji notion that many scholars have said whoever allies with them then he is of them in ruling
  • Chapter 5.4: The Kharji notion ‘ the outcome of the Alliance determines if the one who allied remains a Muslim or a Kafir ‘

  • Section 6: Conclusion & Reminder

Updates :
  1. Updated on 27.11.2015 – Added section 5.4 titled :Chapter 5.4: The Kharji notion ‘ the outcome of the Alliance determines if the one who allied remains a Muslim or a Kafir ‘ Addressing along with this the incident of *some* Maliki scholars making takfeer of Mu’tamid of Sevilla for allying with the christian french kingdom. . Added Tabulated and linked Table of Index so you can hover above any content in the index and click on it to directly jump to that content in the book.
