Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Major Shake-up at IOL


According to several news reports, there is a major crisis taking place at IslamOnline.net (IOL), where it is expected that more than 250 journalists will be let go at the end of March. These reports say that IOL's servers have been taken over by a new administration, which seeks to change the editorial focus of the website. Protests began on March 15 and continued yesterday. As of now (Wednesday morning), I am still waiting to hear an update on the situation. In the meantime, here are some articles explaining more about the conflict:

Islam Online in crisis as administration threatens to fire journalists

Islam Online goes offline

Islam On-Strike

For those who are unfamiliar with IOL, it is a major Islamic website that has grown tremendously over the past decade and which is quite unique as far as the type of content it publishes. 

According to the website, its goals are:

  • To work for the good of humanity, as Islam teaches us.
  • To work to uplift the Islamic nation specifically and humanity in general.
  • To support the principles of freedom, justice, democracy, and human rights.
  • To reinforce values and morals at the individual, family, and community levels.
  • To expand the circle of introducing Islam; present its comprehensiveness and the way its system and laws complement each other; to affirm its balance, fairness and applicability in all places and times; and present the tolerance and the humanity of its laws.
  • To strengthen the ties of unity and affiliation between the members of the Islamic community and support informational and cultural exchange.
  • To expand awareness of important events in the Arab, Islamic and larger worlds.
  • To build confidence and a spirit of hope among Muslims.
